
From Documentation



The vlayout component is a simple vertical oriented layout. Added components will be placed underneath each other in a column.

Notice that hlayout and vlayout do not support splitter, alignment and packing. If you need them, please use ZK Component Reference/Layouts/Hbox and ZK Component Reference/Layouts/Vbox instead.


ZKComRef Hlayout Simple Example.PNG

         <button label="Button 1"/>
         <button label="Button 2"/>
         <button label="Button 3"/>
         <button label="Button 4"/>


The default spacing between two child components is 0.3em. You could modify it if you like:

<hlayout spacing="0">
  <button label="Click Me"/>

Resize Child Components' Height Dynamically

When a Vlayout's content changes (e.g. adding / removing components or component's visibility changes), it will resize all its child components' height dynamically.

The window's height below (line 6) will grow when we hide the blue-background div. This also works for vflex="min" which doesn't auto resize in a normal case.

    <vlayout height="400px" style="border: solid 1px">
        <button onClick="div.setVisible(false)" label="hide the blue box below"/>
        <div style="height: 400px;background-color: lightblue" id="div">
        <window border="normal" vflex="1">
            0px height at first

Horizontal Alignment

The default align is left. You can change by specifying a CSS rule at "style": text-align:right, text-align:center

        <vlayout style="text-align:right">

Supported events

Event Type
None None

Supported Children


Version History

Last Update : 2024/06/06

Version Date Content
5.0.4 August, 2010 new added component

Last Update : 2024/06/06

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.